Born in Medina del Campo (Valladolid), 1970.
Degree in Art History from the University of Valladolid, with further training in graphic design, layout and photography.
17 illustrated books, 22 drawing and painting exhibitions throughout geography since 1995 – especially pen drawing – and several awards.
- Illustration for public companies and institutions:
- -Posts and Telegraphs. Commemorative books: “History of the Spanish National Soccer Team from its origins until 2010”, and “The Regional Dances of Spain” (2009). Illustration and stamps.
- -Teruel City Council. Illustration of their youth leisure newsletters.
- -Socialist group PSOE of Buenavista (Madrid). Cartoons of your guests.
- -Council of the D.O. Ham of Teruel: Artistic painting and decoration. “Ham slices”
- Editorials:
- -Editions Veterinary (Castellón). Veterinary illustration. Books “The dog”, “The cat” and “Vademecum of the companion animal”
- -De la Torre (Madrid). Illustration of the book “Poetic Anthology of the Landscape of Spain”, VV.AA. (2002)
- -Círculo de Lectores (Madrid): Hobby book “Unir por puntos”, 2015.
- -Camiño do Faro (La Coruña): Scenes and conscientiously elaborated details, by pen, of the life and customs of Galicia in the late nineteenth century, for his novel “La casa de la Troya”, by Alejandro Pérez Lugín. The current edition has been translated into English and French. It has its own website for more information: lacasadelatroya.com
- -Limit (Madrid): Illustration of its tourist guides (“Cantabria”, “Aragón”, “México”, “Colombia”, “El Salvador”, “Bogotá”) with all kinds of pen motifs. Landscapes, monuments, architecture, perspectives, flora and fauna, folklore, still life, routes and plans, etc. In the style of the tourist guides of El País Aguilar.
- -Dos de Arte (Barcelona): Architectural elevations of the Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona for posters.
- -Planetposter.de (Germany): Posters on wildlife.
- -Robinbook (Barcelona). “The Japanese art of sex”, (Jazael González, 2008). Erotic illustration.
- -Illustration for books and private projects: Bustamante: “A sky full of myths” (2003) Youth illustration for an essay on the relationship between astronomy and Greek myths. Selam Wearing: “The pain and the flesh” (2019). Poems
3. Design of souvenirs and gift items and accessories for the following companies:
- Abanicos Aparisi (Valencia)
- Amazonik (Barcelona)
- Thill-nels (Belgium)
- La casa de las latas (Vitoria)
- Gráficas Savir (Barcelona)
- Cofiba (Mallorca)
- Luscandax (Francia)
- Pekeregal (Barcelona)
- Pixelnova (Barcelona)
- Angulo artículos de regalo (Aranda de Duero, Burgos)
- Artesanías Casven (Valladolid)
- Illustration and cartoon in press and other media:
- -Caricaturist of back cover for the magazine of national circulation Ragazza, in 2007.
- -www.idiomaydeporte.com (Valladolid). Cartoons of athletes, and sports journalists, as well as writers.
- -Herald of Aragon (Zaragoza). Youth Leisure Section, (2004 -2008).
- -Consumer Magazine: Illustration of the “Letters to the Director” section in 2004.
- -Diary of Teruel (Teruel). Opinion column in 2008
- 1995. University collective exhibition REUNART 95. Valladolid.
- 1995, 1996 y 1998. Hall of Humor of the Circle of Readers (Madrid). Collective exhibition. Cartoons
- 1997. “Medina to pen I”: Urban landscape. Streets and monuments of Medina del Campo (Valladolid).
- 1998. Café Tal (Medina del Campo). Cartoons
- 1999. Café Tal (Medina del Campo). “Dibuixos“
- 2000. Exhibition Hall of the Banco Central Hispano 20 (BCH), (Valladolid).
- 2000.”Medina to pen II”. Courtyard of columns of the City Council of Medina del Campo (Valladolid).
- 2001 “Valladolid to pen: Urban landscape and monuments”. Circle Box (Valladolid)
- 2003. Exhibition hall of the Public Library of Teruel.
- 2003. Collective exhibition “Contest of painting Comarca del Jiloca”. (Teruel)
- 2004. Sala Matisse (Valencia).
- 2004. Estudio Arambol (Valladolid).
- 2001. Civic Center Juan de Austria (Valladolid).
- 2004. Estudio Arambol (Valladolid).
- 2004. Colectiva Salón del Humor “Peloduro” (Alcalá de Henares).
- 2005. Collective painting contest “La carne” (International Ham Congress, in Teruel).
- 2007. Siranga Contemporània art gallery (Valencia).
- 2010. Collective “Triple Art Gallery: 24 nude artists”. (León)
- 2011. Sample collective illustration “Wrapped for story” (Zaragoza).
- 2014. “Urban landscape of Valladolid, by pen”. Civic Center Parquesol.
Awards and mentions:
- Selected in the Hall of Humor of the Circle of Readers (Madrid) in 1995-96-98, for several drawings and cartoons (Cela, Girl reading, Olivia Newton-John etc)
- Second prize in the photography contest “Medina en el 99”, for the photograph “Huellas“.
- -Selected in the “Sidronucu” contest, of children’s literature in bable (Piloña, Asturias, 2003), with the work “Writer“.
- First prize in the Contest of fast drawing of Arévalo (Ávila) in 2003.
- Selected in the Graphic Humor Contest “Peloduro” (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid), whose theme in 2004 was “Men and women in the 21st century”. The selected drawing was “The phallic woman“.
- Selected in the painting competition “J.Lapayese”, (from the Jiloca Region in Teruel, in 2005), for the painting “The Ass” (acrylic, 100x81cm).
- Selected in the International Exhibition of Painting on Meat, Teruel, 2005, with the work “Ham Slice”
- Selected in the Painting Contest of the Region of Jiloca (Teruel) in 2009, for the work “Saffron Nebula”
- Award for the poster announcing the parties of Los Amantes de Teruel in 2012
External links:
- -bildarchiv.kleinert.de: Stock de ilustraciones, de Jutta Kleinert, representante alemana de escritores e ilustradores.
- -“Homenaje de Correos y Telégrafos a la Selección española de Fútbol“. Artículo del periódico deportivo Ligafutbol.net, sobre la presentación en público del libro “Historia de la Selección Española de Fútbol”.
- -Escuela de arte de Murcia (España). Artículo sobre la técnica del bolígrafo. Directorio de dibujantes.
- -Instituto Cervantes: Caricatura de Pavarotti para ilustrar un apartado sobre música.